Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fasting Day 2

Okay so just a recap from last night. I went to Monsoon at Ikspirari and ordered the green curry. It had some white stuff through it that looked like fresh cream and it had coconut milk in it which I tried to convince myself was a fruit. I made the decision to eat it and took one gulping spoonful and almost choked to death! Hotsuya neh??? It was spicy as all get out! I could feel the spice permeating my scars inside my throat like electricity traveling a current. Yikes! I am happy to report that the spiciness of the soup actually helped me. I picked all the veggies out, left the corn and ate them and ordered some mango juice that I pray had no added sugar. Honestly I didn't care because I needed something to take the bite out of the hot a@# soup! I also had a spoonfull of rice. Okay so I slipped for a spoon of rice. Over all I think day 1 ended not to badly.

Day 2 is all about the veggies. Getting all that chloraphyl into the body. Getting everything moving and detoxing! I started the day off with 2 glasses of water. I then went to the gym and did 20 minutes on the elyptical trainer. They really make you sweat more than the treadmill. Which is probably why I have always avoided them. I was telling myself that I don't need the gym because I will need my energy for all the detoxing but I felt really crappy and tired when I woke up and I felt energized and hungry as heck when I finished. I got to the theater, had my soup watched Dexter with Emma and drank tea, water, paused the show to go to the 'loo' nice stuff I tell ya and chomped away on some veggies. Good stuff.

So far so good. I think I will make it. It's all in the decision I believe. Me deciding that this is what I was gonna do. Anyone out there worried or stressed take heart from Goethe I love this quote of his.

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832)

1 comment:

  1. Oooo Matt you are clearly reaping the benefits... what with your 'loo' stories today!

    I like the Goethe quote. I guess I have lost the meaning of really committing. It probably got lost in the 'oh yeah, i've done this before' comments. Every experience is different... every moment is new. I have to look at this weightloss journey with new eyes.
    Thanks for making me think, once again :)


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