Saturday, December 13, 2008


TODAY I discovered pumpkin! Well yesterday. I did a bit of research and pumpkin light the tomato is a fruit. But it is considered a veggie. Yeahhhhhh!!! It's on my program! I made pumpkins soup and it was divine! Though this morning I had a flash back of eating baby food the smooth creamy goodness calmed the little baby in me who thought she was through forever with the smushy stuff. I sauteed garlic, onion and pumpkin with a little OV then salt, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and 2 cubes of 0kal sugar. When it got nice and soft I put it in the blender then heated up a TBS of butter and 1/8 c of fat free milk and voila! yummy creamy goodness.

The girls in the dressing room told me today I could open a soup place. I could be like the soup Natzi on Sienfeld. Okay, let me not get away from myself but that soup was good.

I then made another soup, combining the veggie soup with a beef mixture I made. Oh! It was heaven!

So I am doing good but look forward to the fast (not so fast) being over. Now I need to look ahead and decide what I will be doing to maintain. Probably my ole saftey healthy weight watcher way of being. Actually everything on this fast is a part of the Core Program on Weight Watchers. So I have really just been following the program! lol!

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