Thursday, November 11, 2010


There are some questions that I hope will be answered in this short blog and tomorrow's blog.  But in the meantime there are lots of untruths floating around in our heads.  One way of getting rid of that gunk is to face fear and limiting beliefs with experiences.  Making bold choices, taking big chances.  Change is bound to happen.  Another is to commit religiously to a spiritual practice of remembrance.  One way that I remember is by listening to Louise Hay of the Hay House.  She is a bad mamma jamma.  As a leader at Weight Watchers I used to tell my members they didn't gain their weight overnight and they wouldn't loose it and keep it off overnight.  Learning new patterns of thinking and being take time.  We must exercise gentle patience with ourselves as we over-ride limiting beliefs.  Affirmations assist us in replacing thoughts and fears with new thoughts based in the truth of who we really are.  Get these affirmations, put them on your iPod and listen, take in the God in every song, phrase and statement of TRUTH.  

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