Friday, October 15, 2010


I just attended another beautiful wedding.  If one more person says to me "You are so beautiful and so amazing, why aren't you married?" I am gonna scream.  That statement said in the most innocent and sincerest of ways makes me feel like they are really saying 'is there something that we don't see?  Are you really a nut and we just don't see it?' Truth is, what you see is what you get.  I am what I seem.  I do not know why I am not married but there is no one that I have walked away from ever in my life that I look back and think, "maybe he was the one"  Truth is I haven't met him yet.  That is the God's honest truth.  Well maybe I have met him but a bolt of lightening hasn't hit me.  And there is absolutely nothing wrong with me or many of the millions of other women that are single and over 30.


  1. I think people say that just to have something to say. Being "amazing" and pretty does not equal marriage material.

  2. Nor does anything for that matter


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