Saturday, April 16, 2011


I am watching JUST WRIGHT, starring Queen Latiffah and Common.  I think I have mentioned this in previous blogs.  But I was on an elevator, last year sometime after Fashion Week in the City, on my way to an audition and I heard this familiar voice.  I looked up and it was Common.  I have never been a huge Common fan but I was a passive fan of his.  I remember one of his songs was on my workout CD and it got my heart pumpin and mind off the constant pounding of my feet on the treadmill.  But somehow standing there next to him I lost my sense of ...well sense, my sense of worth and value; I was star struck!  I was so disappointed with myself.  I should have said what I really felt, 'wow!  what a pleasure to meet you, keep on keepin on, I am an actress and I love your work or the fact that you work, what is the key, put me down' or something.  What did I do?  I pretended he was no one, a projection of my own sense of inferiority at the moment.  Not my proudest moment.  


  1. Hey Matt, just saying hello. I see you bloging It's good to see you moving forward. GOD blessings

  2. Don't worry , even though I know your not , but just always remember, You Are. Please remember that. That's why you do so well because , You Are. Yes you Are. GOD bless ya


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