Friday, February 12, 2010


I smiled a lot today.  Laughed a little.  Talked loud and don't have much to say today.  I will write on because I made a commitment to do so for the next 27 days anyway.  I am watching Private Practice and The Mentalist a girl just shouted "I want to die".  Makes me think about this goal of joy, being joy, spreading it, living inside the circle of love that is God and joy.  Some people struggle to live while others pray for death.  I mean eventually they get their wish but I wonder why some get joy and some don't.  Is it simply about intention and request?

I am more joyful or at least I think I am more joyful.  I am pushing through the resistances I feel throughout the day by completing unpleasant tasks that I'd like to avoid.  Telling myself that I will get a reward at the end, holding the carrot of the joy of relief I will feel from the my learning in uncomfortable tasks, or end results- more order in my life what have you.

Things that made me smile and laugh today
1. Watching my mother; she just makes me smile.  I'm a bit of a fan.
2.  Talking to my friend Felisha about juice and salad and soups and of course clothes
3. Receiving a text message from an ex
4.  Talking to my manager
5.  Seeing my God Father and God Brother outside my house blowing the snow away from our driveway.
6.  Talking to a strangers in the mall about nothing
7.  Talking to friends on the phone
simple huh?  Very simple.  Small things make me smile.  That's nice to know.  Makes me think I am not hard to please, small things make me happy so why spend time and energy with people that don't make me happy....unless they are family...really there is no need.

What made you smile today?

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