Monday, February 15, 2010


Okay so I ummmmmmmm feel like a story an ex friend told me of her childhood.  She said that her grandma allowed she and her brother to go on the porch and curse for like a minute and they just said every curse word that came to mind.....I feel like cursing and that leads me to the realization that cursing to me = freedom in some way.  Hmmmmm I think I am on to something.  Why do people rebel?  Because they feel tied down.  There is actually a positive intention behind some negative behaviors.  I will not curse...okay I will.........shit!  LOL!
OKAY now that I have rebelled the positive intention behind it is that I am free.  I just changed blogs...I will still blog on both and see how it goes.  I will just see.........but ...we shall just see.  I really don't wanna hurt anyone.  I just need to write.  I don't know why I don't just write in a journal or something but this venue seems to work for me and I have no idea why or how but it just does.  So I will writ on.  Okay so the name of this blog is MYTRUTH  and the address is ITSMYTRUTHRUTH@BLOGSPOT.COM

I THINK.....I'll double check.
The transition has begun.

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