Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I had an AMAZING weekend.  Haven't had one like this in a LONG time.  My time was spent writing for 12 hours (not all writing) with an amazing artist named April Yvette Thompson.  She is patient, clear and actually helped me in places that I need help.  I learned from mistakes in fear that I made and I, for the first time in a long time, could actually hold the vision that I will publish a book one day soon.  I saw a possible path; a way.  I have always known my stories are rich and insatiable but beyond my friends and the few people I meet on my path I have never felt diciplined enough or organized enough to bring my stories to a larger audience; the world.  She made this possible.  We all know that we need to hold a positive intention, focus or attitude.  What I also know is that in those intention we must also hold a place for the angels in human form who make it a part of their larger vision to assist others along the way, ya know like pay it forward type stuff.  I am grateful that I took the time to nourish myself this weekend.  I will be able to nourish others.  Got to put my mask on first (if you fly you know what I'm talkin bout)

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