Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I went to a world renowned doctor today.  He told me I had the best looking vocal chords he has ever seen in his life.  That was the good news.  The bad, because I started singing too soon trying to people please or Disney please as usual, I harmed my vocal chords and now have a small polyp on my right chord.  The silver lining in all of this is that I went in to this world renowned vocal specialist, had I not, instead of taking 5 days off of singing and speaking (more or less on the speaking) I could have possibly destroyed my voice and the wonderful range that I have.  Wow.  The tears lessoned on that one.  And still I feel a bit guilty, putting the load on Lateefah.  But if the tables were turned I would be holding the load for her.  So I pray she can hang in there for a sistah.   Damn!

I go back to him on Monday for a lookie.  He said when I heal he will be in the audience, from the looks of the chords, I can blow!   Hallelujah. 

1 comment:

  1. Matt, I've been reading your blog, keeping up with your journey. Got your email. Will actually said he was going to try to transfer to Irvine after December! I hope he moves to Long Beach so I don't have to commute to Irvine! :) Anyway, worked as a PA all weekend on a set and it was great, especially that family-like bonding that happens, probably some of what you are experiencing with your performance family. Love you much!


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