Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday March 10, 2009 okay now Saturday, March 14

It has been really difficult for me to write.  I woke up early this morning and because Japan doesn't have a time change, got confused from the time on my computer and came to work an hour early!!!!  That was not my intention but in the quiet of the dressing room and reflecting on some of the comments that are so inspiring I am prompted to share some of the not so fun parts of this experience.  But with me, I can't help but find the silver lining so the not so fun becomes a blessing; in other words "it is all good" 

There is a song that my father used to like, "It Is Well"  Basically the chorus is, "it is well, it is well, with my soul, with my soul, it is well, it is well, with my soul"  Very simple words and the bottom line for me is that even though I may not like the outcome of a given situation that ultimalte
ly it is for my good for my growing for my soul's advancement. 

 I am NOW re-reading a book by Dr. Carolyn Myss called Anatomy of the Spirit.  And I must say, me picking this book was not casual but very intentional, in fact for me it was an emergency.  My relationship ending so abrubtly especially at the end of my contract here at Disney almost sent me into a tailspin.  Well it did send me into a tailspin for a few days last week.  

Before coming to Japan I had to have two minor surgeries.  Both for fibroid......

Okay I wrote that on Tuesday and now it's Friday and I am on another tangent. 
The excitement of today is that we ordered Domino's and Jeremy went to the front gate and picked it up.  It was refreshing pizza and not another Udon or Soba soup.  I really love Udon over Soba and both have helped my waistline shrink a bit.  Pizza can only be a
 sometime event but a welcomed comfort food given the rainy weather outside and in my heart. 

I have so many pictures to post, so many memories to capture here but I can't seem to get it down, I am gonna post this no matter how far I get, yes this is the sucky part of the journey.  Every journey has to have a sucky part right?  

Well the good news is that I am ready to leave this amazing experience and ready to welcome the next.  You can see part of my performance on my cousin Meredith's blog.  The song I sing is "Blues In The Night"  I have a bootleg of me performing it on my website.  But when I got here I was thinking about the Blues and how I really didn't get it.  Well it just takes getting your ground moved from underneath you to feel them.  I don't wish it on anyone, well that's not true but not very loving of me to admit.  But honey I done got the blues...."a man is a two face!..."  I been singing the blues and didn't even realize I was living them.  They say art imitates life well in my case my life was imitating art behind my daggon back!  I can say that I am through with this song.  And look forward to never singing it again.  But I never say never, but it is a sad miserable song and I am committed to singing happier more hopeful songs.  

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