Sunday, March 15, 2009

2 new members to my blog

Thanks to the two new followers of my blog!  I hope you enjoy my posts.  I am off to Shibuya Square to finish my video shoot.  The show must go on the saying goes.  
Pick your yourself up
Dust yourself off
and try again. 

Life they say is simple.  A child learning to walk falls down many times on the journey to standing erect.  They don't beat them selves up about it.  They cry sometimes in frustration but eventually they figure it out and forget the tears of the past, hold no grudges against anyone they just walk.  It gets a little harder learning to walk in a figurative way.  I find that I wanna blame, find fault in someone or some event.  But maybe if I just figure it is a part of my walking I can start walking sooner.  

Well I cried this morning.  I was frustrated, sad, felt small lip gloss IS poppin.  And I am gonna walk myself to the 11 bus, get on the train at the Shinurayasu station and carry my not so happy self with my DP Cambell to Shibuya and shoot this video.  


1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt,
    Dj Cash Here, Wow those are some grapping lines! makes one think!!!! Have a wonderful weekend, hope to see you next week!


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