Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Healing in Progress 181 of 365

This one is gonna be quick.  I am tired and haven't really been blogging everyday!  Oh my!  I am having a garage sale saturday, oh my so much energy moving about.  Ready to shed the past and still hold on to precious memories.  I know there is a way to do both.  The past keeps coming forward and my question is a complicated one.  I know the answer is probably simpler than it seems.  AS I write this I know the answer.  It is simple, follow your heart.  The following out this simple instruction is where the complications come in.  I simply am ready to close doors of painful pasts; hurts, betrayals, anger, confusion (no not all of it but I am talking about that part of it) and welcome love.  I heard the instruction today; just chill, wait for the clearing, be patient, clear, clean, sing.  There is a restlessness in this house, from the opening of attics, boxes, pictures, the moving of 40 year old furniture.  Maybe some prayers and sage are in order.  Healing in progress.  

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