Thursday, January 6, 2011

98 of 365

I technically have NOT written for 2 days but really just one.  I wrote over 15 pages yesterday on my new project.  More to come on that later.

1.  Many new projects for the new year.  I have been asked by so many people, 'Matt why don't you have an album?' that is in order for  2011.

2.  I will complete my first book in 2011.

3.  I will begin to post webisodes.  I am not sure when that will start but I think March will be my first episode.

4.  I will get a Legit/Theatrical agent this year.  And a big push to turn that career corner in a BIG way.

5.  I will find love in 2011.  I have learned A LOT about myself and how I have thrown myself under love's bus in many ways my whole life really.  That will change, I will stop running for myself and settle down.  And a baby.  (Did I say that?)

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