Thursday, October 2, 2008

Be an enthusiast! And.......BATS!!!

So I am not the best editor in the world but on our 15 minute walk home from the train station these birds always jut down at our heads..... uh yeah right!

Check out the video and please become an enthusiast to this blog!!!  It would mean so much. 


  1. Im a bit concerned about this footage...just kidding..was hoping it didn't get made and attack...awww 10 yen!

  2. Don't see any Bats Matt!! LOL...I have bats in back of my home...they nest in the trees at night.

  3. The bat is there u guys I wish I was a better editor, I'm going to get a circle thing so you can see it. My footage is not the best!!! lol! Just havin a bit of fun!


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