Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What I learned on Wednesday, June 2 2010

So I played a woman who lived her life as a man until her death at 84.  It was an amazing experience for me.  Primarily because I knew this was going to be a challenge.  I have been looking for a challenge.  My spirit leaped out of my mouth and exclaimed, "YES!!  YESS!!!" during my conversation with Philly director, Michael LeLand, before my brain had an opportunity to say 'girl don't get up there and make no fool outta us!'  It was already done.

It did not hurt that the playwright Renita Martin wrote a beautiful piece of what one day I would hope to be American Literature.  Blue Fire on Water touched me and I became more curious about this guy Jo.  On the backdrop of Hurricane Katrina, countless people who are a part of the fabric of American culture, died dirty deaths.  Drowned in filthy, disease infested, dead body infested swamp water.  Bringing some of these characters alive was not only a way to pay homage to the thousands that died in Katrina but a unique way to explore long lived secrets and how they are release. And how death can be a freedom from the limitations of life in a way.  This play is a must see.  And if I am in it, a must MUST see, but a beautiful work of art none the less.

When I left Philly on March 28, 2001, a part of me thought it was for good.  And maybe that is true.  Maybe a part of me did leave Philly for good.  I have been back on the east coast for exactly 1 year now.  Caring for my mother was the drive but I have realized many blessings within that aim.  Many times when you help others you are helping yourself.  Revisiting a part of your history you would have otherwise left covered.  Spirit has arranged circumstance and I have obeyed so that I can not run from my past anymore.  And wow, I had a few things wrong.

Last Wednesday there was a sprinkling of old and new at The Painted Bride.  I was so filled up I almost wept.  Lisa is now the Assistant Director of the Bride and has two beautiful children and is just more of her beautiful self.  Anthony Kalmani was there working and supporting the Director of the Bride. I had never performed at the Bride so I was so excited to be a part of anything there.  Team UN a small group of runners from across the globe that get together each week to run and share in the ups and downs of physical adventure came out in strong numbers.  All the characters of the day along with Connie Norwood, and Meryl Lynn Brown, Phil Sumpter all taught me an important life lesson.  I can feel the impact of the lesson but I am not sure I can articulate it.  When I left Philly, I was involved with a cutting edge organization who's chief goal was personal transformation, it met that goal lest/minus the head and the core.  I had made them and it my life.  I learned on Wed. by the small but powerful show of support at the Painted Bride that was and still am more than a part of one organization in Philadelphia.  I was and am a part of a well oiled creative community that I helped build.  I loved Philadelphia when I left but I didn't know what to do with "Philly" when I returned.  New York was and still is my goal but lets not forget about the creative beasts that come out of that fine city of brotherly love.  Philadelphia, you are my heart!!!!  My journey began in Philly and healing met with creativity damit it has come full circle.

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  1. Do you have a clip of this role??? I wanna see!!! Go Matt!! xx

  2. I wish!!!! I will do it again sometime soon and be sure to record!!!!


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