Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Applicants for Kingship

This is an interview with a modern day queen...
Things are evolving and moving and several suitors have stepped into view.  Some are not even worth mentioning and the others, well they are but I can't post this right now for that reason. But then again, they pick and choose why can't I? No one considers my feelings when living there life why can't I honor and value that fact that I am a queen looking for my king?  Have been since I was a wee girl.   Some have shown themselves not worth the effort and others, well lets just say there are questions but then again not really because if there are questions it is a no! Many bumps into brick walls with eyes wide open have taught me that.  Dang my momma did used to call me hard headed. But I have learned the hard way and finally it has gotten through my head, if you find yourself saying "maybe its because....." or "maybe he just..." STOP!  Take it from me, there is a red light ahead which indicates that there is a brick wall you are about to hit......slow down or go in another direction.....IMMEDIATELY...DO NOT PROCEED.  Love = Joy.  Love= Ease and grace.  Love = peace of mind, heart body and soul.   

 There is a front runner after all is said and done.  Is it because he is older, established, unafraid and  can see me and handle what he sees?  He doesn't need sunglasses and is not blinded from or diminished by me.  That is my number one requirement.  That along with kind, gentle, loving, fun, joyous, honest, loyal, strong, able to attract prosperity and abundance and the ability to fly I must like them and be irresistibly attracted to him.  Rule #1.  My king must love his queen unconditionally and give to her with a full heart for he grows from giving and adores the radiance given from the queen's light; he is blessed by her glow and basks in it more than most.   He not only brings others to be adorned by it,  he adds to her light from his so that both shine brighter and lead other's to the path of love.  This and love are my main requirements.  I regretfully have had to walk alone, or been abandoned by the roadside because this is a hard trait for this queen to find and some suitors have grown weary.  Alas, a hard task indeed.  Time is of the essence because the queen must bear a prince... or a princess to continue the tale of the journey towards love.   The journey is love. 


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