Friday, July 25, 2008

Wonderful learning

Okay so call me ignorant but part of the urban landscape is a nail shop right?  Lucky Nails, Nails, Imagine Nails you name it there is a nail shop on almost every corner and esp. in LA it is relatively cheap.  So I ASSUMED that since most of the shops are owned and operated by Asians, that since I was coming to ASIA that I would get an even bigger discount.  So in I go with my gesturing and 5 words of Japanese by myself feeling quite proud of myself.  Uhhhhh....not.  I am too embarrassed to even say how much my nails cost.  I will just say it was a small fortune.  No joke in that one.  I wonder if this will last the whole 9 months. Looks just like my regular nails right.  Guess how much this cost me.  You will never guess

So I have started a bit of exploring.  I know how to catch the train to Disneyland where I will be working.  And watch this video to take in the cultural differences.  It's interesting to say the least.  But I will say that we are all truly free to be.  
And you know among some of the other cultural differences here the Japanese seem to me to be extremely efficient and have an impeccable work ethic.  During our orientation to working at Disneyland Tokyo we were politely told that being even 15 seconds past call time was indeed being late.  There is something that you can get right from the train station in the event of a wind storm or earthquake called I think a Chien tick
et.  That means yo butt is late and you better have a dag on good behind excuse!  Well there is an office dedicated to such events.  And below take a peek at the toll that such dedication can take on one.  You gotta give it to this guy, that is true dedication.  


  1. That is nasty.
    What is he doing?
    Is that your car?
    I am SO jealous.
    Have enough fun for me.

  2. I'm so proud of you! Now wait til I explain to your Mom how you are blogging this experience. AWESOME!!!
    Luv you Much! ~(Lynn)

  3. Lol!!
    My mom was saying today how she wants to get online but doesn't think she can. It would open a whole new world Lynn!

    And little cousin you know we ALL picked our noses as little ones. Is it salty or sweet?????? LOL! I KNOW you know! Muah! love ya!

  4. Hey Matt--great to see your new blog. want to hear about the food over there next (of course). i know sushi is low points... but do you really like that stuff? if so, i bet tokyo has the cream of the crop! diggin' the cultural tips.. keep 'em coming. talk soon /sandi s.


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