Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First Day

I am just here for the first time chatting it up.  We will see where this journey takes me.  Why I am excited about blogging is beyond me.  But I am!!!! I am!


  1. Umm Yea! I love it! I love you!Tell me when I can come girl.

  2. Hi Matt!

    I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well.

    Please remember this important fact. Japan has no tacos. If you would like a taco you will have to make it yourself.

    This has been a public service notice


  3. Cherish my friend you are wrong!!!
    I went to this cool place yesterday called 10 and why did they have a taco salad!!!!

  4. Matt,

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat with you before you left the states. I tried to call but you were obviously gone. I went to NJ last weekend..tried calling.. and thought you might have been visiting your mom. Hope you enjoy your stay in Japan and would love to visit once things settle down.

  5. Hey,

    How much does samuri swords cost out there? Keep me posted on that....really. Enjoy your stay & be safe. If you have any problems we can get out there to you, but It may take us a little longer than it would to get out to Cali'(SMILE)....Peace & Luv'

    John J.
    "L.U. Pham' "


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